Saturday, 5 October 2013


As I mentioned in a previous post, I love autumn and it has definitely arrived!

My very talented big sister blogged some gorgeous photos recently of the changing trees and it just reminded me of how every year I am blown away by how beautiful this season is. It never gets old. 

Seeing as I haven't had the chance so far to do or document any autumnal things yet this year I decided to have a look back at some of my old photos from the last few years...

Just a few things that I'm looking forward to,

Watching films whilst snuggled up inside. You've Got Mail and Dan in Real Life are my go to.
Cooking pies, soups, bread.
Wearing layers. Jumpers and boots. Weirdly there hasn't been that chill in the air yet and I miss it.
Going outside to enjoy the colours in the trees and the sky.
Listening to live music. It seems to happen about this time each year.Johnny Flynn and the Sussex Wit in a week! 
Traveling to visit friends around the country.
Celebrating bonfire night and the anticipation for Christmas!

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